Friday, April 3, 2020

The Primary Elements of Chemistry

The Primary Elements of ChemistryChemistry is a science that deals with the nature of matter. There are two primary elements: matter and energy. Matter is composed of atoms that are held together by the electromagnetic force. Energy is the concept that what holds the atoms together in molecules is that they are together.In its simplest sense, the concept of energy does not hold much importance in the matter. The atoms only really move because they have an electrical charge, and this charge is what makes them move. While this might be the most basic definition of how atoms are put together, there are a number of further distinctions that might be of interest. Here is a brief description of the main ones.Electrons are elements with the letter 'e' attached to them. In chemistry nomenclature, an atom is said to be 'a H, O, N, or S' for an element. Atoms, though, are not really atoms, so what constitutes an atom is important. In the case of an atom of hydrogen, it is the electrons that oc cupy all of the space within the atom. The other atoms of hydrogen are called ions.Carbon is one of the elements that is used in chemistry. Carbon atoms have a hole in the middle, which allows them to flow like water. Other forms of carbon, such as iron, are used in the same way.Nitrogen is one of the elements that is used in chemistry. It is used in the nitrogen cycle as the cycle starts by using the element nitrogen and leaves the cycle with the element nitrogen again. Nitrogen is used as a fertiliser in food crops, as an inorganic filler in many building materials, and is an element that is sometimes used in the glass industry as a fume stabiliser. It is used in the flame of a turbine in large factories.There are several other simple atoms that are used in the chemical and metallurgical sciences. Boron is a carbon that is heavier than the average carbon in the periodic table. It is used as a filler in plastics, as a cleaning agent, and as a hydrogen source. Other compounds contai ning boron, such as the high-pressure gas, helium, are useful as gases. Boron is used in computers and air conditioners as a stabiliser in electrical connections.Sodium is a heavy sodium atom, with high energy levels that make it useful as a coolant. The very light element of sodium, used in many energy sources, is potassium. The lightest of all the elements, it is used in potassium phosphate for high-pressure applications in chemical plants. Other elements that are used as an energy source, potassium and sodium, are used in energy cells.

Monday, March 23, 2020

5 Random Items to Help You Study

5 Random Items to Help You Study There are many elements to planning a study session. First and foremost, you determine the location where this will be taking place. Next, youll probably go to necessary measures to eliminate obvious distractions. At that point, its just you, your study material, and your study environment. But is that always enough? It is very common to still find yourself at a stalemate with how to get motivated in the process. Even with all the right surroundings, you may find yourself bored and sluggish, leaving you on a road to nowhere in your study journey. Not knowing what else to do, students often just accept this fate and endure the studying hours that end up stretched out far longer than they should have been. You may also want to check out these tips on how to avoid study distractions. Thankfully, this is something you can control. It is very possible that you will gather up the determination needed to change your attitude and get past the dullness of the situation on your own. However, if you still find yourself feeling weak and moving slowly, you may want to consider the addition of a few random items that could brighten up your study session. Think of these as accessories that could complete your study persona and let it thrive like it should. They are small and simple, but could make a salient difference. New Pens: While this may seem meaningless, a change in pens could actually improve your mood toward studying. You may think switching pens is only necessary when your current ones totally run out of ink, but a pen that is bringing out lighter and lighter ink on the page as it runs out can be quite frustrating and hurt your drive. You have to put enough effort into studying as it is; why add extra scribbling efforts just to get your writing to show up? That is something you should never have to worry about for a minute throughout your study session. Additionally, look into pens with grips or other materials that are more comfortable on your hands. Cramped or blistered hands can certainly make you want to quit studying, so get rid of that possibility. Music Without Lyrics: This isn't exactly an item, but it's something you can incorporate into your study session. We all love music and tend to think we can successfully listen to it as we study, but it doesnt always work out that well. Although its nice to have your songs shuffled in a perfect playlist in the background, the lyrics are bound to distract you. Especially if you are writing, lyrics will often get in the way and slow you down. That is why instrumental music is worth looking into. You can still have the comfort of some catchy background noise, but without the audible words that mess with your mind. Classical is a go-to genre for this, but if that doesnt fit your taste, there are plenty of other wordless songs out there in every genre. They may not be prominent in pop culture and therefore off your radar, but with a little exploration, you should be able to find something you like or at the very least, something that inspires you intellectually. If you are on the fence a bout listening to music while you study you may want to check out this post,can music help me study? Computer Screen Cleaner: If youre using the computer, youd be surprised at how dusty and dirty your screen has probably gotten over time. Youre probably used to its current state and think you are not bothered by it, but that is only because you havent been reminded of anything better. Get a hold of a proper cleaner for your screen and apply appropriately. Even if the result is just a slight improvement, its still an improvement and will make your screen easier to look at. Take a look at your brightness settings as well and figure out if the light from the screen is bothering you at all. Its always easier to continue an assignment on a computer if you are not struggling to keep your eyes comfortably locked on it. Different Colored Post-it Notes: If the wheels in your head are really turning as you go along, you are going to come up with various thoughts that youll need to document. Getting them down in your notes is one thing, but sometimes we get ideas that arent quite ready for the formal study guide we are making and need some development. Or perhaps you have just remembered something you need to acquire or do later on to aid your study process. Being able to jot down such thoughts on post-it notes is extremely convenient; youll be happy you provided yourself with them. Buying them in different colors is certainly optional, but it is encouraged since it is typically more aesthetically pleasing and can allow you to organize your thoughts in a more systematic way by categorizing things. It keeps things fun, and of course, you can place these little reminders wherever youd like due to their handy stickiness. Coffee/Water/Beverage of Your Choice: Caffeine is one study aid that many people depend on, but even just having a bottle of water or juice can be helpful. This will help keep you occupied as you fight the urge to go on a lengthy snack break, and more importantly will keep your thirst quenched. We need a good dose of healthy distractions to keep us balanced while studying, and this is one of them. Simply having a delicious beverage in hand could keep you interested and focused on your respective tasks. None of these are meant to individually solve your study problems, but they each have their own pleasant benefits. Its sometimes the little things that can make a big difference in the way you work. You may also want to check out these tips on how to find your study space.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Take A Screenshot On Your Computer

How To Take A Screenshot On Your Computer IT For Beginners: Taking Screenshots ChaptersWhy Take A ScreenshotHow To Do A Screen Shot On WindowsWhat Software Can You Install For The Best ScreenshotsTake A Screenshot With A SmartphoneIT for beginners is vital in today's world, as things move so fast it is the only way that technology novices don't get left behind. Change is the only thing that we can be sure of. Each day new innovations turn the experts in old technology into the beginners in new technology. The newcomers of current technology are becoming the inventors of the future.Within everything, we can see innovation, take the simple screenshot for example. Which is essentially the act of taking a photo of the screen of your device without a camera. I expect that its invention was as simple as someone looking at their screen feeling that they should be able to copy it. Voila, the screenshot is born in something as simple as an idea.Screenshots are incredibly useful, they are the digital answer to snipping our favourite article out of the newspaper. They can even be as functional as taking a picture of our programs to remember what you have installed or as useful as taking a screenshot of a problem on your PC's desktop so that you can get help from one of your kids later.Screenshots can also be fun and creative, you can use them with a markup feature to draw over pages and make corrections to your creative texts. No to mention how they can help you when you can't explain something and need to share your screen. Even if you have yet to take your first screenshot knowing how to take one will be invaluable one day when you can't find your pen or the article is too long to write down.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Singing Exercises to Practice Dynamics

4 Singing Exercises to Practice Dynamics Suzy S. As a singer, understanding and utilizing dynamics can turn a mediocre performance into a great one. Read on to learn some singing exercises to practice, as shared by Augustine, FL voice teacher  Heather L... Dynamics is a word that comes from the Greek word dynamo, meaning power. In the context of general music, we use it as a term for how loud or soft sounds are. Dynamics can make or break a song. Frankly, in the world of singing, sometimes the lack of or presence of dynamics can make a difference in whether a singer is regarded as great or not. Think of the best singers in the world and Ill bet that many have a tremendous sense of dynamics. The improvement of the use of dynamics in our singing voices comes right down to a word that I dont typically like to use as a voice teacher: control. The simple passing use of this word can often, maybe subconsciously, cause a singer to tense and strain. Control, however, is truly the thing that enables us to do much with our voices. Just make sure to maintain a free and open sound as you incorporate the concept of control in the following singing exercises. Learn and Practice Messa di Voce Perhaps the best singing exercise to help improve your vocal dynamics is messa di voce, an Italian phrase meaning place the voice.  To sing a messa di voce, you sustain one single pitch, getting louder, then softer.  The proper musical terms for getting louder and softer are crescendo and diminuendo, respectively.  Decrescendo is a word created in modern times to mean become softer, but it is not an Italian word or a proper musical term.  When using this exercise, be sure, as always, to use a warm, resonant sound and to stay connected to your breath. Remember, your sound begins at the bottom of the pelvic floor. Keep your shoulders floating in place; do not allow them to rise. Lip Trill Like a Revving Engine Another singing exercise to practice dynamics is singing lip trills, or lip bubbles, using messa di voce.  This is a great one that I learned from Celine Dion. Begin with a low breath, filling up your torso all the way around. Start at a comfortable low/middle position in your voice, trill up to a comfortable high point, and begin to sail down to your lowest register. As you slowly sail down in pitch, make stops along the way. On those stops, crescendo and then diminuendo. Itll sound a lot like a old drag car revving its engine! Not only does this singing exercise improve your ability to sing dynamically, but it will also help to warm up and strengthen your singing muscles. Laugh Out Loud Speaking of strengthening exercises, its essential that the muscles of your torso are strong enough for the control thats needed for great dynamics. Sing short ha, ha, ha sequences on a descending scale, making each ha very short, but warm and round. Youll notice quite a jumpy motion from your tummy as you instinctively work to produce short bursts of air. Yow-wow-wow In this exercise, youll sing a single pitch on yow-wow-wow with a loose, open jaw, as if youve just touched a hot stove. This loosens the face, especially your joints, which is vitally important in preventing tension. Lastly, remember that singing dynamics comes not only from phonationthe pitched sounds that our vocal folds producebut also from articulation. Our articulators are our teeth, our tongue, and our lips. To be clear, crisp articulation should be an inherent part of your singing voice.  You can use it, though, to sound even louder or softer than your phonation is. And as always, be yourself and sing with your own voice. Heather L. teaches singing, piano, acting, and more in Saint Augustine, FL, as well as through online lessons. She is  a graduate of the prestigious Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, and has performed with the New York and Royal Philharmonics, the New Jersey and Virginia Symphonies, the American Boy Choir, and the internationally renowned opera star Andrea Bocelli. Learn more about Heather here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  whartonds

Find Yourself a Kickboxing Club in London

Find Yourself a Kickboxing Club in London Looking for a Kickboxing Coach in London? Here are Your Best Options ChaptersWhy Join a Kickboxing Club?The Best Kickboxing Clubs in London.London is a city in which you can learn pretty much any subject or discipline you want. And in which, for whatever discipline you choose, you’ll find heaps and heaps of choice.This applies to all subjects under the sun. However, it applies also to kickboxing, the style of martial art and self defense technique that is becoming ever more popular day by day.That little fact really shouldn’t be particularly surprising. With over eight million people spread out over six hundred square miles, of course there are going to be plenty of opportunities to study and train in the discipline that inspires you.Kickboxing, meanwhile, is a discipline that needs to have a whole load of different options available. Because kickboxing, in itself, is not a single, monolithic thing. Rather, it’s a catch-all term for lots of different martial arts and self-defense techniques â€" from Muay Thai kickboxing to Glory, from fitness ki ckboxing to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, even from karate and taekwondo to savate.And for each of these micro-disciplines â€" with their different rules regarding punching, grappling, and full contact â€" usually has their own gym, studio, and professional trainers.Hence the choice.And if you want to get into the world of these most elegant of martial arts styles, you’re going to need to find a kickboxing club that works for you.Here are some of the best clubs in London for kickboxing and for martial arts in general. We hope you find it helpful!If you want to read about kickboxing classes in Manchester or kickboxing training in Birmingham, follow the links. Workout like a champion of kickboxing! AndreyBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KostiaBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LeeBoxing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SajBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KaranBoxing Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThomasBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HaileyBoxing Teacher 4.50 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Join a Kickboxing Club?The mixed martial arts â€" including kickboxing â€" have a bit of a bad reputation among parts of ‘polite’ society. Obviously, they are associated with violence â€" which doesn’t sit well with particular sectors of the population.However, these people underestimate and ignore the simply wonderful benefits of kickboxing and martial arts training. It’s not all punches to the head, sparring, and bloody noses.Rather, these sports do absolute wonders for your physical fitness, your self-confidence and self-discipline, and your self-respect. Alongside the work this high-intensity, dynamic sport does for your fat-burning, your muscle-building, and your cardio, the fighting techniques and defense skills it offers help your mental health, self-esteem, and your general sense of well-being.However, the thing about kickboxing â€" and about any attempt to learn self-defense at all â€" is that you can’t really do it on your own. You can’t get to black belt by just punching a punchbag â€" and you probably won’t get in your best shape if you don’t find a martial arts instructor to train you in the science of fitness.In the meantime, by the way, you’ll find martial arts classes to be super social, supportive, and incredibly enjoyable â€" benefits that you might not get when just training by yourself.Read about kickboxing classes in Glasgow and kickboxing training in Belfast!The Best Kickboxing Clubs in London.But let’s cut to the chase. Where in London are the best places to find kickboxing training? Where is best to go for Muay Thai or for American kickboxing? And how on earth would you choose between one and another?Here, we’re showing you the best options in town. Among them, you’ll find a martial arts school near you and in the fighting styles that float your boat.Find a Kickboxing Instructor at Urban Kings Kickboxing, London.In central London, just near King’s Cross, you’ll find the Urban Kings Kickboxing gym. They are a professional and reliable outfit, offering a class schedule packed with different types of martial arts.Alongside kickboxing â€" in which they specialise in Glory rules â€" they offer training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), capoeira, mixed martial arts in general, and disciplines like yoga, pilates, and animal flow.Start at any level at all â€" and you’ll only begin sparring when you are ready. Different types of kickboxing have different rules - by the wayJoin KO Combat Academy for Kickboxing Classes.Just down the road from Stepney Green sits the KO Combat Academy, a martial arts gym focusing on MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai and kickboxing â€" alongside general fitness, personal training, yoga, and nutritional advice.With a range of beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes, there are plenty of opportunities to find a level that suits you â€" as we know that starting out in the martial arts can be a little intimidating.You’re in safe hands here. They are accredited â€" and have produced a whole load of kickboxing champions.Take Kickboxing Lessons at Xen-Do Kickboxing.Xen-Do Martial Arts are really a big deal, with four gyms and training spaces across London â€" in Baker Street, Marylebone, Goodge Street, and Mayfair.This is not the sort of intimidating martial arts gym that you’ll have seen in Rambo or similar films. It is a really welcoming environment for people of all leve ls, ages, and genders.Xen-Do will help your martial arts skills whilst helping you to develop your self-control, to build confidence, and to get dead fit.Try Fitness and Martial Arts at KB Kickboxing.A specialist kickboxing gym in Euston â€" literally right next to the station â€" KB Kickboxing focuses on fitness and control, and on the spiritual or at least non-physical elements of kickboxing.This isn’t as strange as it sounds: the martial arts aren’t simply about how hard you can kick or punch. Rather, they are about how you can control your body and the attitude that you bring to your sport.Another gym that prides itself on its welcoming environment, it’s a great place to go if you don’t want to spar.Check Out Boxe-Française / Savate at Savate London.Savate London is based just a couple of minutes down the road from Bermondsey tube station.These guys, obviously, do something a little different to the run of the mill kickboxing classes; Savate, really, is a different spor t altogether.Based on the French tradition of street-fighting, Savate is quite distinct from Muay Thai and other forms of martial arts. Its emphasis is on elegance and movement â€" and here at Savate London you’ll be training with some of the best fighters in the world.Find a Private Kickboxing Instructor at Superprof.If you don’t want to attend a gym, however, there’s a different way to learn kickboxing. That’s with your own private boxing instructor.At Superprof, we connect students with enthusiastic, experienced, and friendly tutors of over a thousand different subjects. Kickboxing â€" including Savate, American kickboxing, and Muay Thai â€" is precisely one of those subjects.Across London, there are three kickboxing tutors available for hire. All you have to do is search your subject, pick your tutor, and get in touch. The first session is free!Check out the kickboxing classes available in Cardiff and the kickboxing opportunities across the UK! The things you'll need to make the most of your kickboxing lessons.Try Muay Thai at the London Fight Factory.If you are looking for Muay Thai specialist instructors, you could also check out the London Fight Factory just off Old Street.These guys offer classes in this dynamic, full-contact sport for beginners, intermediate fighters, and the more advanced. Go along and check out what this ‘art of eight limbs’ is all about before you get started.Learn Kickboxing at Paragon Gym, London.The Paragon Gym is just a couple of minutes’ walk from Shoreditch High Street tube and is home to kickboxing and boxing training â€" in group sessions, private lessons, or sparring workshops.You’ll find all the support here you’ll need to progress in your kickboxing style â€" and get really pretty ripped in the meantime.Like all martial arts locations these days, they provide yoga sessions too â€" to help you warm down.Start Beginner Kickboxing at Springhealth London.Up in Camden, Springhealth L ondon provides beginner kickboxing and fitness classes to anyone at all who is interested.With courses in beginner kickboxing running over six weeks â€" but with the opportunity to train up to three times a week on top â€" Springhealth provide a great grounding in all things martial arts.They are relaxed and welcoming bunch too â€" and they complement their kickboxing training with Tabata and other workout techniques.Get in Shape with Kickboxing Classes at London Kickboxing.London Kickboxing offer classes to kids and adults in Chiswick, Ealing, and Bedford Park â€" usually in schools and sports halls in the area.Besides the knowledge of the kickboxing discipline itself, you’ll be learning key aspects of self-defense and personal training in general.Get Fit with Kickboxing Exercise Classes at Flykick.‘Inspired by kickboxing’ is the important thing to note about Euston Road’s Flykick. Rather than the strict martial art itself, Flykick offer exercises classes that borrow elemen ts from the martial art.That’s not to say anything bad about them at all â€" as their exercise regime and philosophy seems to be incredibly effective.

Using Maths to Help You Manage Your Money

Using Maths to Help You Manage Your Money Why Learning Maths is an Essential Part of Organising Your Finances ChaptersThe Link Between Maths and MoneyLearn Maths to Boost Your UnderstandingHow Maths Can Help Gambling AddictsMaths vs State of MindUnsolved Maths ProblemsDid you ever wonder why maths was so important in school?Mathematics and other scientific disciplines seem to be national curriculum royalty, with a good grade in GCSE maths being championed by many universities and workplaces. Make sure to study hard for maths revision GCSE.But what are the uses of math in real life?Are mathematically-minded people necessarily more intelligent?Are they more successful?You could be incredibly talented in subjects such as music and literature but be stumped when it comes to maths.However, learning maths will give you an advantage in managing your finances.So, let’s find out how good knowledge of maths can help you understand money and improve your budgeting skills!Whatever your age, you’ll have noticed that when it comes to maths, there are two types of people: those who love it, and those w ho hate it.If you still hate maths long after graduating and have nightmares about never-ending polynomial long division or all the theorems you have to memorise, we assure you that it doesn’t have to be like this.French screenwriter Olivier Peyon made a documentary named ‘How I Hated Maths’, which explored our perception of maths and the common distaste for the subject.However, in the report he worked to simplify certain problems, using his creativity rather than, as he called it, rigidity, to find an answer.Mathematicians are always the first to say “don’t believe in any authority, just check your answer for yourself”. Maths exercises at school and in everyday life we use numbers for proof.Maths as we know it and the idea of freedom shared among mathematicians is a bridge to starting the discussion of budgeting.Financial freedom begins when you escape the grasp of your money, and this can only happen by controlling your budget.So how should you look after your money an d budget using maths? Can supplemental maths lessons help? MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Link Between Maths and MoneyIn the film Moneyball featuring Brad Pitt, director Bennett Miller tells the true story which is captivating, to say the least. At the centre of the film is a software with precise data and statistics which causes chaos in the market for baseball players.Billy Beane, the general manager of Oakland Athletics, hires a young graduate to help him in his search for an IT programme containing the details of each and every performance of every US baseball player.This was big news when it happened. At the time, Oakland was the equivalent of a champion’s league team in football. The software allowed them to hire under-valued athletes for a cheaper price.You find it in sport, IT, and technology. Maths really is everywhere! ¦ source: Pixabay - Photo-MixSometime later, Oakland beat the historic record of matches won in a row by a club.Whether it’s at school, in sport or in your day-to-day life, maths really is everywhere!Managing your budget, saving money, and requesting a loan are all to do with maths. With each aspect, there are estimations and allowances to make, tax to calculate, interest to add, the list goes on! This is exactly why a good command of maths is useful for finance.School teachers and maths tutors  teach you maths as a child, and you carry those skills with you for the rest of your life.Learn Maths to Boost Your UnderstandingMaths doesn’t only help you make sense of how numbers relate to each other, but it also can help you make sense of and manage your financial situation.We start to develop our maths skills from an incredibly young age, and the basic knowledge of numbers and values gives children the tools to go further, discover calculation and geometry.Maths plays an enormous role in day-to-day life. Each and every business needs maths to avoid a state of chaos. With maths, you can construct buildings and build roads as well as efficiently manage your personal budget.This starts from infancy, where babies are able to recognise differences in value. This gives us the tools to tell the difference between a £1 coin and a £20 note as well as eventually manage the money in our bank accounts.And what about arithmetic?Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These are the basic skills which come under the title of ‘arithmetic’ , and the ones you will use most once you leave the education system.To know where you are with your money each month, you should set a budget. To do this, you should work out how much money you need for your accommodation, the weekly food shop, summer holiday spending money, and how much you need for clothing, amongst other things.Maths is more than essential when it comes to your money, as it helps you avoid overspending and having to ask to borrow money. Without mathematics, you risk not being able to put enough money away for the future or agreeing to a shoddy interest rate at the bank, for example. MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Gowsi kaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Maths Can Help Gambling AddictsTwo researchers from a polytechnic school in Milan have been giving maths lessons to gambling addicts to help them understand the risks they are taking.In 2012, the annual Health Survey for England concluded that over 60% of adults had gambled in the past 12 months.But there is more to this.Researchers explain that the understanding of probability is an effective way of avoiding addiction. Learning about logical thinking and risk is a recommended escape route for gamblers.Understanding risk can minimise the trouble caused by gambling ¦ source: Pixabay - fielpersonBy taking maths lessons, you learn to make sense of the chance you have of winning a game.For example, you have as much chance of winning the lottery as you have of choos ing a red football blindfolded from a pitch of 600 million white ones.Knowing that around 3 in 5 people have risked their own money in the past year by gambling, you should be able to appreciate how maths is useful in assessing risk.And, as we keep mentioning, maths is everywhere!Maths vs State of MindIf you find maths useful in managing your money, having a negative state of mind can destroy this in just a few days.You may be brilliant in your maths lessons, however, if you act impulsively, you risk harming the health of your finances.If you spend all of your money on anything, you are living above your meanImpulsivity is a psychological issue.A negative mindset can harm progress when it comes to study skills and maths revision.If you don’t know why you are buying something, then there is a problem.If you regret a purchase the following day, there is a long-term danger of needless spending becoming a habit.If  at the end of the month, you are struggling financially even when you are able to use maths to understand your spending habits, then there is a problem.Even maths teachers can have money problems. Why? Because when you neglect the psychology of spending money, you ignore the need to control your spending.Let’s take advertising as an example. Are you under the impression that adverts and campaigns don’t affect your spending habits? Do your friends and colleagues also insist that they are unaffected by advertising?In reality, advertising continues to develop and play a part in our lives, even if it is unwanted, and this is for one simple reason.Adverts play to our egos and flatter us in order to influence our behaviour.focus on facts and be realistic about your spending ¦ source: Pixabay - stevepbSo how should you avoid giving in to temptation and better manage your finances? The best method is to approach your learning of maths with a positive and open state of mind.The part of your mind that manages your money grows with small gestures. This star ts by taking ownership of your actions and establishing self-control when it comes to your spending.By maintaining a good frame of mind, you will be able to help yourself better manage your finances with maths. However, even if you have a good command of maths but a negative mindset, inevitably you will be at risk of falling into difficulty.Unsolved Maths ProblemsMathematics is an infinite discipline, are there remain many unsolved math problems.The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts have 7 ‘Millennium prize problems’ with a reward of $1 Million for whoever produces an answer to any of them.That’s $1 million for each unresolved mathematical problem! There are 7 prizes for 7 problems on important issues that have never been solved.How about that for good management of your finances?Of course, we are only jokingly suggesting that this is a way to avoid financial trouble.But what if learning maths could help you get out of debt?Understanding mathematics and ha ving a positive mindset helps you intelligently manage your money.There are two very simple ways to ensure healthy finances in the long term:Don’t spend money you don’t have and live within your meansInvest early enough to ensure a good pension when the time comes for you to retireIt’s true that freedom begins when you are no longer a slave to the money, however, don’t forget that freedom comes with education and applying the skills you learn.So, get out your textbooks and get to work! If you need additional help, search for 'maths tutors near me' with Superprof.

English vocabulary for renting an apartment - English Lesson via Skype

English vocabulary for renting an apartment - English Lesson via Skype Those of you who are renting or have rented property in the past will be only too aware of the  problems and pitfalls   that await you. The rental market  varies from country to country but the issues and problems are very similar. Hopefully, this short English vocabulary for renting accommodation will help you if you need to rent a property in an English speaking country.Read the text to practise your English reading comprehension.You will find the meaning of the bolded words below. Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: English Vocabulary for Renting an Apartment The person wishing to rent a property is known as the tenant. The person who owns the property  you eventually rent is known as the landlord.There is a lot of work to be done in advance. Where do you wish to live (area or location), what size  apartment do you require (number of rooms), which floor do you wish to be on (level), which  direction do you wish to face (North, South, East or West), and of course what is  your expected budget   is it in your price range?Armed with this information you then set about  to search on the very many websites that  are available and advertise the properties that are in the market. Some people prefer to use the  services of a property agent as this can save time and avoid the need to look at properties that do  not meet your criteria. Alternatively you can look at the individual  properties listed and contact the landlord directly to arrange a viewing. Some landlords operate through management companies so  you will often view the property in the company of his agent and other potential tenants.Where you discover that the properties are all a little too expensive for you on your own you may  prefer to share with someone and therefore look for a roommate or a flatmate. English Vocabulary related to Renting You have to be quick as the market is generally busy with lots of potential tenants and not enough  properties.The early bird catches the worm  so you  have to be up and about early to get the property you want.Once you have chosen  the  property you want you make an offer  and hope the landlord is happy with you.They often need a bank reference, an employer reference,  proof of income  and other details.You sign a lease agreement  which sets out the terms the monthly  rent, the heating, water and electricity costs and the do’s and don’ts.Normally you pay a deposit  in advance which the  landlord will hold in case of any missed rents (you do not pay) or damage that might be caused (broken furniture, glass etc).The property can be furnished or unfurnished. After all of this you are ready to move in  and you have a roof over  your head. New Vocabulary for Renting an Apartment pitfall difficultyrental market  properties available to renttenant the person wishing to rent a propertylandlord the person who owns the property  you eventually rentexpected budget  how much are you willing to payprice range  the amount you can afford to payto set about to begincriteria minimum requirementto arrange a viewing  to visit the property to see  if it really is as described in the advertother potential tenants others who wish to rent the property alsoroommate/flatmate  a person/friend   to share  the costs of renting with youthe early bird catches the worm   first to see the property will have an advantagechosen selectedto make an offer to indicate to the landlord that you wish to take the propertybank reference proof that you operate  your account properlyemployer reference   proof that you have employment and are reliableproof of income salary statement to show you can pay the rentlease agreement contract between you and the landlorddo’s and don’ts   what you can and cannot do  in the apartmentdeposit usually 1 or 2 months rentfurnished or unfurnished  with or without  furnitureroof over  your head   a place to call your ownto move in   to start living there